Today's Grateful List/31 December 2015

  • Going to get answers no matter what

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lords of the North Review

I finished Lords of the North by Bernard Cornwell today. It's the third in the Saxon Chronicles, kindly lent to me by book buddy Beth. (Thanks!) While I liked the first book in the series, I really enjoyed The Pale Horseman (#2) and this one. Uhtred, our hero, is over-the-top in many ways but just too cunning and full of himself not to love. Here's the link for my review:

If you do decide to follow the link, please vote one way or the other. I like knowing others have read my reviews and have a feeling about them, pro or con.

On a side note, I'm really depressed that this is only read #11 for the year. I just haven't been reading as quickly as usual. I'm not even sure what I'll pick up to read next. With over 200 books lying there just waiting, you'd think this wouldn't be a problem, right? Wrong. I'm such a mood reader. Right now I've got a Teresa Medeiros book waiting for me and I hope it's the light, engaging read I'm looking for next. I just hate it when I feel like I can't settle on a book. I did pick up The Boy in the Striped Pajamas to see how it fit this p.m., but only a few pages in I realized that it wasn't what I'd thought it was going to be, so it got put aside and listed at pbs ( It's already been requested.

So I'll report tomorrow on whether or not the Medeiros book pulls me in. It remains to be seen. I think I'm turning into a grump.



Unknown said...

I went over to amazon and voted on your review. I totally agreed with it and like you I am waiting for the next one to come out.

Bookfool said...

Sorry you had a lousy reading weekend. I know the feeling. This hasn't been the best reading year for me, so far. I just stole your map thingy (love that!) and I'm about to add you to my links. Thanks so much for letting me know where to find you!!