Today's Grateful List/31 December 2015

  • Going to get answers no matter what

Monday, May 28, 2007

Tammy Needs...

Playing along with Nanci, who stole the idea from Gillian, I went to google and typed in "Tammy" and then the word "needs" and came away with the following:

Tammy needs constant care. (Well, I am high maintenance if nothing else).

Tammy needs to settle something in herself. (Hmmmmm....)

Tammy needs your prayers and good wishes. (That's a given).

Tammy needs more opportunities to be creative. (Geez louise, this is dead-on).

What Tammy Needs To Know is a performance installation that incorporates autobiographical text, original music and audience interaction .... (uh, I don't think so).

Tammy Needs Your Help Now. (If it has to do with cleaning the house, the answer is yes).

Tammy needs to balance out. (Balance out what? My life? My check book?)

So there you have life according to what the google search engine believes I need. :)


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