Today's Grateful List/31 December 2015

  • Going to get answers no matter what

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Another Day

I admit that I read and loved Every Day by David Levithan a couple of years ago, so when I learned there would be a companion book, I went on NetGalley and requested it. I was so excited when I was able to download it, but also a little know how it is when a book gets inside you and you're afraid the sequel won't live up to your expectations? Yep, I know you do. So let me set your fears at rest right now...Another Day is every bit as good as Every Day, and possibly even a bit better. Booyah!

I say sequel, but actually, Another Day is the same story as Every Day, except this time the story is not told from A's point of view, but instead from Rhiannon's. If you've read Every Day, you know the basics, and nothing is changed in this one; Rhiannon is still dating Justin, still blaming herself for every little problem, still looking for herself by trying to be everything to everyone. It's really illuminating being inside her thoughts as she tries to hang onto her relationship while realizing that perhaps A is really what he says he is. I absolutely loved how her character developed throughout the course of this book; she goes through so many stages of growth and it all feels realistic and complex. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Rhiannon's  transformation is both stunning and emotional, and having her as the main character sheds so much light on the whole experience. If it's possible, I liked this companion book even more than the original, and I'm excited to see where this story goes.


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