Today's Grateful List/31 December 2015

  • Going to get answers no matter what

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Titanic Lite

The book The Titanic for Dummies can be summed up in its title, which is not to say that anyone who picks this book up is, indeed, a dummy; no, it simply means that this book is chock full of facts, figures, and fates, but it mostly gives just the bare minimum, enough to familiarize the unfamiliar with the infamous ship. And that's not a bad thing at all.

The author suggests that this is a book not to be read at one sitting, and I highly concur. It's best if sampled a bit at a time, since there are a ton of facts and it could become overwhelming otherwise. It's also a good book to pick up when you have a spare minute here or there and are just wanting something interesting to read without getting overly involved. While it covers pretty much the basics, highlighting the famous people and the known facts, it also throws in some tidbits of speculation and adds in new information that has come to light in the recent past. I haven't learned anything new from this book, but that hasn't stopped it from being a good resource for Titanic buffs such as myself. With the 100th anniversary of the sinking rapidly approaching, this is a winner if you're wondering what all the fuss is about.

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