Today's Grateful List/31 December 2015

  • Going to get answers no matter what

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Updating My Life

My Life as a Band Mom

I've been MIA lately due to being a band mom. It just feels as though that's all I do! But it's basically over now....Contest of Champions is done and I'm not traveling to Atlanta to be with the band, thank goodness. For weeks now every Thursday nite, Friday nite, and Saturday all day has been devoted to the band. Love the kids (most of the time) but hate feeling like I'm so overwhelmed and rushed on Sundays.

Anyway, I've enjoyed it and have made some really good friends with other band moms as well. Funny how tight you become with people when you seem to be with them all the time! Here's a picture of us yesterday. Aren't we silly? I remember my own mom traveling with our band all the time and I thought she was just checking up on me. Turns out she was enjoying hanging with her friends, and I get that now. These ladies are too funny....I'm gonna miss them but hopefully we'll see them a lot as the year goes on.


I'm stilllllll reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes. I haven't finished a book this entire month! I just can't seem to get much reading time in. Oh, well, I'm trying not to put pressure on myself to worry about how many books I've read this year, and this is one honking large book. But still, there are so many other books to read! George RR Martin is coming to town next week but Katherine has a chorus concert that night. I'm bummed.


Till next time.................................adios!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Book Slumps

Book Slumps....

I'm reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon and yet I still feel slumpy. I just don't have the time to read and it's a bummer. I'm liking it and yet I don't really feel compelled to read anything...

Which makes me wonder why people who are voracious readers slump. Is it the book or is it timing? I tend to believe it's timing but it's still so incredibly frustrating.


My favorite quote for the day:

Preach the gospel and if necessary, use words.

Good words to ponder.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sunday Nite Thoughts

Sunday nites are good. I like the feeling of getting everything ready for the week. I also hate them because it means my weekend is officially over....and lately all these band functions have really kept my down time to a minimum. Ah, well, only a month to go........

I finally finished a book! I finished Widow of the South by Robert Hicks. I've rated it a 6/10. I'm disappointed in this one. I was excited to see Thomas Cartwright acknowledged as one of the sources for the book, since I met him many years ago at Carter House and he's probably one of the most knowledgeable Civil War experts around. but this book just rambled.....I can't help but wonder what Carrie McGavock's heirs think of her portrayal.

I'm sick of being old. My body is falling apart. I hate this. Why can't I magically snap my fingers and make everything all right?

Life at Croft is tense. I think Barry needs a reality check.

Jeff is off all this week for fall break. Do I get a fall break? No, of course not. Then he made a sarcastic remark when I asked him to clean out the storage area. I hate that. He thinks everything in the house is my responsibility. Well, he's got another think coming!

That's it for today.....enjoy your week!

Thought for the day:

A word after a word after a word is power. ~Margaret Atwood